Human Resources (HR)
Secretary (SE)
Drivers (DR)
Front Office (FO)
House Keeping (HK)
Kitchen (KT)
Restaurant (RE)
Bar (BR)
Engineering (EN)
Accounting (ACC)
Purchasing (PR)
Sales & Marketing (SM)
Security (SC)
Spa (SPA)
Qualifications :
- between 30 to 40 years ago
- hold a relevant degree
- possess 2-3 years similar experience in 4 to 5 star properties-pre-opening experience is definitely a plus.
A complete CV along with recent color photo should be sent to the below email address, mentioning the position applied for and the expected salary to:
Jl. Majapahit No. 18 Kuta 80361 BALIT. 0361-762818 F. 0361-753305
1 komentet:
TERBARU !! Siapa Bilang Karyawan Tidak Bisa Kaya?
TERBARU !! Peluang Usaha Untuk Kebutuhan sehari hari
TERBARU !! CAPEK Kerja Kantoran?
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TERBARU !! Kerja via Internet?
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TERBARU !! Cara Berinternet Gratis Dari Rumah
TERBARU !! Membuat Lapangan Kerja Sendiri
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