We are an international shipping company which have been active in the market for almost twenty years and listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Due to rapid growth of our business we are now looking for a highly motivated and qualified individual to fill the following position:
Accounting Officer (AO)
1. Male/Female max 25 years old
2. S-1 degree in accounting
3. Having minimum 1 year experience as accounting staff
4. Excellent communication and interpersonal skill.
5. Proficient in English both oral and written
Please indicate the position code you are applying for in the subject of your email and send your complete application letter together with CV and photograph to:
PO BOX 4430 JKTM 12700
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
1 komentet:
TERBARU !! Siapa Bilang Karyawan Tidak Bisa Kaya?
TERBARU !! Peluang Usaha Untuk Kebutuhan sehari hari
TERBARU !! CAPEK Kerja Kantoran?
TERBARU !! Daftar Lowongan Pekerjaan 2009
TERBARU !! Kerja via Internet?
TERBARU !! Situs Resmi Lowngan Kerja Indonesia
TERBARU !! Cara Berinternet Gratis Dari Rumah
TERBARU !! Membuat Lapangan Kerja Sendiri
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